European chemicals legislation REACH celebrates 15 years this month!
The future is green
In 2022 “go green or go broke” is a familiar slogan in the business and marketing world. Private companies now spend millions on ‘green’ research and development projects to find safer and more sustainable alternatives to agrichemicals and petrochemicals to follow changing consumer attitudes.
Statistics indicate that the average European consumer is increasingly becoming ‘Eco-Conscious’. ‘Eco-Conscious’ consumers can be defined as internet users aged 16-64 who say that concern for the environment affects their day-to-day buying decisions.
And why wouldn’t they? In the information age it is increasingly difficult to fool the average consumer. A click of a button can show you the exact chemicals and e-numbers found in everyday products. For example, from deodorants to weed killers, the use of butane in sprays or the composition of glyphosate in gardening has historically been linked to blood cancer in humans or caused serious damage to the environment. (…)